Tonight has been one year since my 5th baby was born at home. December 9th will forever be etched in my brain. There are just some moments you never forget. All my kids' births are like that, but with the other four, I remember bits & pieces. This last one was so life-changing I remember every moment.
I remember walking at Target for hours with my kiddos while I helped my mom do their Christmas shopping. Haha! I remember the 40 trips to the bathroom.
I remember the moment when I knew that it was the night.
I remember the moment when my midwife checked my cervix & confirmed that it was the night.
I remember making the bed & expecting to give birth there.
I remember trying to get my 3 year old to eat his dinner between contractions.
I remember my daughter asking me to wash her hair between more contractions.
What I loved most about this experience was how normal it felt. I was at home, doing what I always did. It wasn't a medical emergency. It was life.
Then I clearly remember the moment when I gave up my plans & realized that YES, I was about to have a baby in the bathroom. It was just a mental moment for me. I had to give in to my body & surrender to that pain so I could do what I was made to do. It was one of the greatest moments of my life- on every level!
So today I celebrate not only my baby's birthday, but the anniversary of that beautiful day. It was the day I became more than what I had been before. I will never be the same mother again. His sweet birth changed me forever!
Happy Anniversary to me! & Happy Birthday to my baby, who brightens my life each day with his smiles & laughter. He is the funniest, cutest, happiest baby I've ever seen. Truly, he is full of joy!
He is a piece of our family puzzle that no one else could ever fill. I needed him. Don't you love how God knows just what we need?