
About Me

I'm a mommy of 6 beautiful kids! 
They are amazing, wonderful, hilarious & the best babies I could ask for! 

I am married to my best friend & high school sweetheart. He is the greatest thing that ever happened to me... after Jesus, that is! 

I am a birth educator, doula & wellness advocate. 
I homeschool. 
love to craft. 
I am passionate about natural living & natural birthing. 
I am a terrible cook. 
I write songs. 
I plan parties like my life depended on it. 
My favorite color is pink. My house is definitely NOT taupe. 
I cannot keep non-canine pets or plants alive. 
Luckily, my track record with kids is pretty good. ;) 

Join me as I record our crazy life, inspire other mommas, & laugh along the way!