
Monday, November 22, 2010

Mommy moments!

Every have a mommy moment? You know... like when you lick your finger to wipe your child's face off? A few years ago, I am pretty sure that I made a comment about how disgusting that was (something about cats, I believe). Well, it is a daily occurrence, now!

Lately, I feel very "full". That is the only way to explain the daily activity around here. It is similar to the way one might feel after Thanksgiving dinner. You feel so full that if you were to eat another bite, you would most likely throw up. Yeah, that sounds right! If I have one more thing to do, clean up or even, think about each day... I may very well throw up!

Well, since this "fullness" began, approximately 8 months ago, I have found myself in the midst of many a "mommy moment". Things like (don't judge) smelling a shirt to see if I absolutely need to wash more laundry! I may or may not have washed my face with a baby wipe in the car last week. I keep a little potty in the back of our van, and I didn't empty it last week because I didn't want to take ONE MORE trip back outside! These are not necessarily things I am proud of. I am not really proud of the fact that I am addicted to caffeine. However, I AM very proud that I have not fallen asleep on the couch while my children play in several weeks!

When did being a mom become so crazy? I am assuming it has just been escalating since I began this little journey about 5 years ago.

So, as of today, I am totally committed to enjoying these little moments! I have to laugh about them. In ten years, I will look back and long for the days when I HAD a baby wipe to wash my face with. I will miss falling asleep on the couch, and awaking to find blue cupcake sprinkles all over my family room floor because Eli said he was having a party! Yesterday, for example... as Eliza is building a nest of leaves for the birds who can't make their own in our backyard, or as Efton is telling me he played so hard that his knees hurt (which is OF COURSE why he can't pick up his toys).
It may not be easy, but it sure is more fun to enjoy those "mommy moments" without thinking about all that I have to do. As a mom, I have to remember that really, what I HAVE to do is just raise my children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. I am to help them grow in "wisdom and in stature, in favor with God and man". That's all that really matters & I can catch up on stuff when they go to bed, anyway! :)

Friday, November 19, 2010

I confess...

It's true! I have been wanting to blog for a while now. I know it's crazy & I shouldn't add one more thing to my plate. It's like I have this need to express to the entire world just exactly what it means to have four kids 5 and under. However, there are times that I forget what that means, actually... what it means to live my life!

Some days I wake up and have all these great plans, and then I roll over to find my 2 year old has peed in my bed! Really?! So much for that great start!
Or today, for example, I had all these amazing plans. We were going to a play-date, followed by picking up our oldest from half day Kindergarten, then lunch, errands, working on a couple projects, and our usual Friday evening of pizza, popcorn & a movie! Well, by 8:30, the play-date was cancelled & the baby was crying. This was the start to our day.

Yet, despite the unplanned start, it is turning out to be a really great day! In fact, this is pretty much how we ended up this way not even 5 years ago: with an unplanned start!
You see, believe it or not... not every 19 year old is planning on starting a family! I had different plans. They included Michael for sure, but not necessarily children. I actually didn't like kids at all- except for a few random children I knew. However, here we are now with 4 kids... ages 5, 4, 2, 8 months... WOW!

It sure is a great life, though. I mean, don't get me wrong- I despise the mess, the smells & the exhaustion  of "mommyhood". (In addition, I do not like the name "mother", it sounds entirely too old!) Despite all that, in this mommy-lifestyle that I lead, the pros DEFINITELY out-weigh the cons by a million to one! You see, that moment when I realized that he had peed in my bed... the next second he looked at me, whispered "Good morning mommy!" and kissed my head, just like I do to him. It didn't matter that I would later be stripping the bed and bathing everyone, and it certainly didn't matter this morning that by 8:30 my day's plans had changed. Alas, this is the life I lead: one of poop diapers, play dough in my carpet & hiding vegetables in my kids food! I love ALMOST every minute of it!

And now... may the blogging begin!