
Friday, May 31, 2013

The Best Summer Ever

Tomorrow it will be 1 month since our "summer" officially began. I've been thinking lots about how fun summer should be for a kid. I remember how fun it was when I was a kid. 

My mom always kept us super busy with fun stuff:
Library Day, Pool Day, Movie Night... 
and the rest of the time was spent at camp, outside riding bikes, playing baseball & softball, eating Popsicles, running through the sprinkler...
Summer was the best!
I didn't sit inside on an iPad, or watching Netflix. Haha! They didn't exist! 

After reading this a few weeks ago, I became even more committed to making the most of our summer. 

Childhood only last for a short time! I don't want my children to miss out on the things I remember so fondly!
I'm determined to teach my kids how to do normal childhood things like jump rope, play hopscotch, and skip rocks. I'm sure we will still watch tv shows & play Angry Birds, but the point is that we are consciously making a decision regarding the intent of our free time! 

So I sat down with my kiddos, and we started writing down all the things we wanted to do before school starts in September. They don't know what a "bucket list" is really, so they think it's like a sand bucket. But regardless, here's what we put together:

We also all worked together to make a list of the Top 5 things we wanted to work on this summer: learning to tie shoes, organizing the Legos, no more potty accidents, etc.

We've already checked a bunch of things off our list after only a couple weeks! I can't wait to look back & call this the Best Summer Ever!

What about you all? Do you have a summer list? Share your favorite summer activities & get the conversation going!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Don't BLINK!

My sweet mother sent this to me in a facebook message. She sends me a lot of kind "mommy" posts that might inspire me or make me laugh at the life I lead. Most of the time it works. She found this little tidbit shared by a friend of a friend of a friend, and I really think it captures the true essence of "mommy-hood" as I know it.

I shall not judge my house, my kid’s summer activities or my crafting skills by Pinterest’s standards.

I shall not measure what I’ve accomplished today by the loads of unfolded laundry but by the assurance of deep love I’ve tickled into my kids

I shall say “yes” to blanket forts and see past the chaos to the memories we’re building.

I shall surprise my kids with trips to get ice cream when they’re already in their pajamas.

I shall not compare myself to other mothers, but find my identity in the God who trusted me with these kids in the first place.

I shall remember that a messy house at peace is better than an immaculate house tied up in knots.

I shall play music loudly and teach my kids the joy of wildly uncoordinated dance.

I shall remind myself that perfect is simply a street sign at the intersection of impossible and frustration in Never Never land.

I shall embrace the fact that in becoming a mom I traded perfect for a house full of real.

I shall promise to love this body that bore these three children – out loud, especially in front of my daughter.

I shall give my other mother friends the gift of guilt-free friendship.

I shall do my best to admit to my people my “unfine” moments.

I shall say “sorry” when sorry is necessary.

I pray God I shall never be too proud, angry or stubborn to ask for my children’s forgiveness.

I shall make space in my grown up world for goofball moments with my kids.

I shall love their father and make sure they know I love him.

I shall model kind words – to kids and grown-ups alike.

I shall not be intimidated by the inside of my minivan – this season of chip bags, goldfish crackers and discarded socks too shall pass.

I shall always make time to encourage new moms.

I shall not resent that last call for kisses and cups of water but remember instead that when I blink they’ll all be in college.

So, today my dear mommy friends...
Let's build a fort, forget the trash in the van and the unfolded laundry, and tickle that love right into our precious kiddos! And above all else, don't blink!