The day has finally come!
Well, at least for those of you as obsessed with birth stories as I am.
After weeks of squeezing in writing time between nursing and pumping and diapers...
editing songs and pictures over and over at 1am until they are *perfect*...
then deleting and starting over because you need a clean slate...
FINALLY I have completed my birth story & slideshow. Easton's birth was not like my last. It was not like my first. In fact it was not like any of my other births.
(To see those birth stories click HERE, HERE, and HERE.)
(To see those birth stories click HERE, HERE, and HERE.)
That is one of my favorite things about birthing and parenting.
Each birth, each pregnancy, each child is different.
Each birth, each pregnancy, each child is different.
I have SIX now.
Among all six of my children, there may be a few similarities,
but not a single experience is the same from child to child.
They keep you on your toes!
My births have all been a little different, and this one is no exception. This little (actually my biggest) guy took a little longer, made me work a little harder, and in the end has taught me so much about birth... and life.
Hope you enjoy!
(stick around through Part 2 for the video)
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