
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Day 12 LINKS

As promised, my friends... it's time for some LINKS!

Here are my favorite Vitamins & Supplements that we use:

Our kids use:

WE USE (& love):
doTERRA's Lifelong Vitality Pack

Vitamin D

Vitamin C


Since the Lifelong Vitality has an Omega supplement, we are good on our oils. However, the kids also take an Omega supplement. Barlene's is super yummy... it tastes like a Dreamsicle.

We all also take a probiotic. We will chat about the reasons for that in the coming days, but for the moment here is what the adults at our house use:
My hubby like THIS

I like THIS 

& then what the kiddos use.

That's all for today's link round-up... See you all tomorrow!

Baby Steps Day 12: Vitamins & Minerals

Thank you for your patience friends... as I posted on the Facebook page last week, we had a friend suddenly pass away in a tragic car accident, leaving behind his 2 young children. After that happened, I committed to spending my week with my babies. I pushed pause on life as much as possible & enjoyed being their mommy.

So, this week, we will be picking up where we left off & talking about WELLNESS! In our last post, we learned about how our bodies work. We learned about how they fight sickness and disease.

A huge part of that is having the sufficient levels of vitamins and minerals in our bodies that help every organ, every system, every cell function at it's best. What is the best way to get that? By eating well, right? By consuming a variety of nutrient-dense foods on a daily basis... right?!

I'm going to assume for a moment that most of you have never eaten a purple carrot. Or a beet for that matter. What about something more simple... spinach. Do you eat spinach every day? Do you even eat vegetables every day? Our Standard American Diet is unfortunately not made up of such nutrient dense foods! In fact, even the foods we *think* are nutrient dense, are so processed that a large part of the vitamins and minerals have actually been lost.

We are going to get into our diets more in the future, but today we are talking about these vitamins and minerals. Vitamins and minerals from food sources are ideal. And honestly, if we lived in a perfect, organic world, we could all get thoes items from our diets... the problem is, this isn't the Garden of Eden. And we also have seasonal issues. For example, I can't get a good batch of Strawberries right now in St. Louis. They just aren't very good! In certain climates, specific fruits and vegetables don't even grow! I just cannot grow a banana tree in my backyard. It's not warm enough. Despite my children eating an entire bunch a day, I'm stuck without a banana tree. So, we outsource... we buy stuff at the store & hope it's not loaded with pesticides (more on those later, too!). We have busy lives, so we turn to convenince. We run out of time in the morning, so we have to grab lunch out. We have to settle!

This all leads me back to this: if we aren't getting the essential vitamins and minerals that our bodies need to keep us healthy in our FOOD, we have to get them from somewhere... Supplements!

There are a few supplements that most Americans need in our diets. I've got a whole bunch of links to go with today's post & you'll catch them all at the end of this.

Vitamin D, B12 & C are examples of 3 major vitamins that we just don't get enough of in our lives.

Let's start with Vitamin D... the sunshine vitamin! Why do you think we don't get enough of that??? Well, consider the fact that you will probably spend most of your day today, inside of a building. There has been a link found between individuals that get sick a lot & Vitamin D deficiency.

So, I wonder what that means in the middle of the winter...
when we are inside because it's cold...
when it's cloudy & dreary...
catching on?

Our bodies need these things to function at their best! And that's not all: magnesium, iron, calcium... all things that our bodies need!! Some are easier to get through food than others. We can't overlook them though, or our immune systems may take the toll.

I'll let you do a little research and check out these links. Be on the lookout today though as I'm going to highlight my 2 FAVORITE supplements & give you links to all the awesome stuff we give our own family every day to stay healthy & to help our bodies ward off sickness.

Vitamins and Minerals | Weston A Price
Dr. Oz Explains The Importance of Vitamin D | The Dr. Oz Show
7 Signs and Symptoms You May Have a Vitamin D Deficiency
Link Between Vitamin D Deficiency and Dementia Confirmed
Vitamin D Deficiency Is Prevalent in Multiple Sclerosis
Magnesium: Why You Need It | The Dr. Oz Show
Magnesium: The Missing Link to Better Health
Vitamin B12 Deficiency May Lead to Brain Shrinkage
Vitamin B12 Benefits & How to Prevent Vitamin B12 Deficiency
How Vitamin C and Iron Can Help Reduce Your Stroke Risk
Whole Food vs. Synthetic Supplements | Melissa Wood, ND
Real or Synthetic: The Truth Behind Whole-Food Supplements

Monday, January 12, 2015

Baby Steps Day 11: Intro to Wellness

Welcome back to our Baby Steps to Natural Living series!

We have been learning lots, and HOPEFULLY you all are feeling more empowered and prepared to start taking some of these baby steps in your own homes!

Last week, we covered Personal Products & ended with a post about our "Private" health. It's been one of the most popular posts in this series! I would encourage you to head over and check it out if you haven't read it yet... LADIES! This is an important one!

This week we are going to dive into Natural Health & Wellness. We will talk briefly about medications, but the goal of this week is to EMPOWER you all to take charge of your own healthcare. Doctors are wonderful & I believe that medications and prescriptions can be a wonderful TOOL! Notice I did not say "answer". I believe that they are a tool in our toolbox that we need knowledge of (both pros and cons) and that we should use when we have tried all the other options first. When we have gotten to the root of an issue and are treating that ROOT, not just the symptoms. Unfortunately that is not the way most mainstream doctors operate.

I should warn you though: this a hard transition! Especially if you come from a very medically-minded background. My goal this week is to arm you with all the information you need to FIRST prevent sickness and disease, but then to combat these ailments in the least destructive way possible.

I feel like it's always a good idea to have knowledge about alternative health options also, for the sake of emergency preparedness. In fact, you'll notice that most of the topics we have covered are good for this purpose. If there were a natural disaster or any kind of devastating war in our country & we suddenly did not have access to medications or hand sanitizers or shampoo... knowing how to make these items easily is a wonderful skill to have!

I'm so excited to get started!
The first thing we need to do is determine how our bodies WORK! Human biology here we come!
I'm going to give you all a few links to read up on & then when you are ready, you'll be more able to understand all of our posts for this week!

Here is an in-depth look at how our immune system works:

This talk in depth about all of the various ways our bodies prevent illness. I do not agree with ALL of the linked articles, but the info here is pretty good:

Tomorrow we will get into the meat of this topic, but I felt like a good intro was necessary when we're talking about health & wellness. See you all then!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

TOP 7 WAYS to improve your "PRIVATE" health!

This post is a special, little, extra post for you ladies!

I mentioned in my last post that we would be focusing on more "private" personal products. Well, I'm a Birth Educator and a firm believer in teaching my kids about their REAL body parts, not avoiding those conversations with some cute name. So... lets talk about VAGINAS!

Vaginal health is a big deal. Anyone who suffers from chronic Urinary Tract Infections or Yeast Infections can attest to that. Most of us are never taught how to care for this sensitive part of our bodies early enough in life. Honestly, most of our moms didn't have a clue either!

So, how DO we care for our vaginas in a natural, healthy way? Here's my TOP 7 ways to give your vagina it's best health:

7. Wear loose fitting clothing/pants

Vaginas need air... and circulation! This isn't 24-7, but if you choose to wear tighter clothing one day, make sure you change when you get home & give your lady bits some fresh air! I'm not saying you should never wear skinny jeans, leggings or yoga pants. Honestly, I would not wear pants if it weren't for those. Speaking of not wearing pants...

6. Sleep without underwear

I freaked out the first time I read this. This little church girl could never... but my vaginal health depends on it. Dr. Robert Bradley of The Bradley Method of Childbirth suggests women abstain from wearing underwear as much as possible to avoid perineal tearing in birth. Women in nudist communities naturally have healthier vaginas and tear less during childbirth... coincidence? Probably not. I'm not saying everyone has to sleep nude. That could get chilly! Even if you wear pajama pants, but no undies, you're improving the atmosphere for your vag! Encourage your girls to do the same. My girls and I choose 2 days a week to go without panties at bedtime. Any improvement is better than none!

5. Wear only 100% cotton panties

No synthetic fibers, no flame retardent material (read more about that subject HERE), no funny fabrics... While on the topics of synthetics...

4. No synthetic fragrances or scents near the vaginal area

That goes for toilet paper, lotions, soaps, bubble baths, pads and tampons.

3. No tampons or synthetic maxi pads

Okay, so most of us have this routine of running to the store when Aunt Flo is coming to town. Well, that has to change. There are numerous health reports and studies on the dangers of synthetic materials and toxins being inserted into our bodies via tampons, not to mention rubbing against such sensitive skin via pads. Check out these articles to get you started:

There are several great options for vagina-friendly tampon alternatives:,65,0,0.htm

And wonderful, small business supporting options for pads:

2. No soaps
This is another hard one. Many times we use soaps and cleansers because they think it will keep things smelling better down there, but they actually do the opposite. Our vaginas are beautiful self-cleaning organs. A normal vaginal pH is 4.5... At this pH level, your vagina contains a delicate balance of necessary bacteria, even some yeast. This balance can be easily messed up. So when this happens, things like odor, irritation, discomfort and infections are more likely to occur.

1. Pat-pat-pat!
We all should know to wipe front to back, right? This helps our vaginas keep clear of bad bacteria that comes from our bottoms. However, many women do not know that wiping is often too harsh. Our vaginas are sensitive, delicate body parts! Rather than wiping (or rubbing, or chafing) we should be patting the area dry. If there is any irritation at all, spraying the vaginal area off with water first is also acceptable. So, remember... DON'T WIPE... instead just pat-pat-pat!
Vaginal Yeast Infections 5/24/03
Causes and Natural Remedies for Yeast Infections

Hope this has been a helpful piece of info for you mommas and also to share with your girls! Here's to healthy vaginas! See you all on Monday!

Baby Steps Day 10: LINKS GALORE

Are you all ready to get your link on?

I've gathered all my favorites for you right here! Obviously these are not the ONLY products, but they are the ones that we use at our house or that we intend on using as we continue this journey of switching out our mainstream personal products!

You're going to see a lot of the same brands, because I have six kids. I can't mess around ordering from a hundred different websites. If I can get it at Target... I will. If I can place ONE order each month and get everything we need... I will.

So, please don't feel like if you don't like these or can't afford these then you HAVE to stick with the old, toxic products. Shop around, do your research & find what works for your family! Now, I will tell you, we are on a crazy tight budget. So, if we are using a product, you can be pretty sure I've already shopped around to find a good deal. But again, I've got six kids, so I don't spend all day, every day, researching products. I find what fits in our budget, what works for us, what we like... and you should do the same.

So, without an further explanation, here are my favorite personal products:


Honest Company has a great option. I do not use their toothpaste, but Michael and our kids do! $5.95 and eligible to go onto a bundle with Honest Co.

Michael likes the adult version a lot. It's $3.95 for 2 smaller size tubes. The cool thing is, they're smaller so he can take it on a plane without needing to get a travel-size toothpaste full of yucky ingredients!

Personally, I LOVE using my doTERRA OnGuard Toothpaste. Next week we have 2 days designated to Essential Oils, BUT I have stained, sensitive teeth from LOTS of antibiotics as a child. Since using this toothpaste, my teeth have actually been whiter & less sensitive. Also, I'm pretty sure I had a cavity & it hasn't bothered me since using this. AWESOME! Even, better, as a Wellness Advocate, I get this at a 25% off discount, not to mention if I order it through our Loyalty Rewards Program, I am earning another 25% in points to buy more stuff next month! BONUS!! So, I highly recommend this product!
You can check it out at the link below, or by going through my website at & selecting SHOP.


This category is another that we stick to Honest Company & doTERRA!

Honest Company has a great line for lotion and a Shampoo/Body Wash that we use for our kids. We also use their Bubble Bath for our boys (not for our girls... more on that in the next post). The hand soap is really awesome, too!

Then I really love doTERRA's Wild Orange hand lotion, OnGuard hand soap and chapstick. The chapstick has peppermint and wild orange Essential Oils in it, so my kids won't touch it because it's minty, BUT I like it!

Another great chapstick we use is the EOS brand. I first got it because... TARGET! But I really love it. They also have shaving cream that is really lovely. And check out these ingredients! Fantastic!


This is our family's next Baby Step. These are the options I plan on trying for myself, my hubby & our 9 year old:

Honest Company

Burt's Bees,default,pd.html?cgid=forHim&start=4&q=#start=4,default,pd.html?cgid=forHim&start=10&q=#start=10

Naturally Fresh Crystal Deodorant Spray

Primal Pit Paste

AS ALWAYS, There are a lot of really awesome DIY recipes for all of these...

Instead of food coloring on these you could use a fruit juice- like an organic cranberry or raspberry.

Have fun looking through all of these great products & recipes! Feel free to check out my Pinterest page for more great ideas! And I'll see you all soon as we cover some more PRIVATE personal products that are of great importance!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Baby Steps Day 9: The TOP 5 chemicals you should steer clear of in personal products

Well, we are halfway through the list of personal products...

This week we've talked about cosmetics, nail polish, and hair products. Today & tomorrow we have lots to cover!

Have you ever thought about what might be in your handsoap? What about your lotion? Toothpaste? No? How about deodorant?

It's okay! Most people haven't!

We are going to talk a little about what exactly ANTI-BACTERIAL means. This word is slapped on everything from hand soap and hand sanitizers to deodorant and body wash to laundry detergents and dish soaps!

It's important to remember that OUR BODIES NEED BACTERIA!

We don't need all bad bacteria, but some is beneficial to developing a healthy immune system! We also need good, healthy bacteria... we'll talk more about this next week when we dive into NATURAL WELLNESS, but for now you should know that ANTI-BAC is not Jesus! It will not save you from every sickness and disease... in fact, killing every single bacteria and sanitizing every surface 10 times a day could actually be doing more harm than good!

Check out these articles if you want to get a head start on that topic:
Antibacterial soaps: Being too clean can make people sick, study suggests -- ScienceDaily
Scientists Discover That Antimicrobial Wipes and Soaps May Be Making You (and Society) Sick | Guest Blog, Scientific American Blog Network

So, what makes a product anti-bacterial? Oh... this is where it gets good...

We're going to talk about the top 5, but then I'll list a few more that you should look into on your own! It becomes so much more real when you start to do the research for yourself!

Remember this one from last week's chat on household products? Let's dig a little deeper! Well, not only does it kill bacteria, but it has been found to actually KILL HUMAN CELLS!
Once it's on your skin, it stays there for many hours. It is actually similar to the chemical Agent Orange and can cause decresed frtility, birth defects & damage to major body organs. When combined with the chlorine in our water, it can create chloroform gas. It can bioaccumulate in fish and be detected in human breast milk!!!  THIS CHEMICAL is found in almost every standard "anti-bacterial" product on the market!

2. Sodium Laurel Sulfate or Sodium Laureth Sulfate
This chemical is in 90% of products that foam! That's shampoos, dish soaps, hand soaps. Interestingly, the very product used in SHAMPOOS that are for your hair's health also is linked to HAIR LOSS! It is also linked to skin and eye irritation, organ toxicity, developmental/reproductive toxicity, neurotoxicity, endocrine disruption, ecotoxicological, and biochemical or cellular changes, and possible mutations and cancer according to EWG.

This is an ingredient used to preserve shelf life. It also includes many in the paraben family: methylparaben, propylparaben, beutylparaben, etc. It is endocrine disrupting and linked CLOSELY with Breast Cancer. In fact, it has been detected in human breast tumors. This is concerning because parabens have been shown to mimic estrogen, which can encourage the growth of human breast tumors. 

Made from coal tar, these contain heavy metal salts and leave deposits on the skin. We know that the skin absorbs what is put on it, then putting these toxic heavy metals into our bodies!!! This is especially concerning for anyone who has any sort of metal toxicity already, which we will also get into next week, but many of us do! Labeled as FD&C or D&C, followed by a number or color, studies have shown almost all of these to be carcinogenic, or cancer-causing!

5. Propylene Glycol, Propylene Oxide, Polyethylene Glycol
This is the main ingredient found in anti-freeze and is listed by the FDA as a human carcinogen. Makes sense, right? We shouldn'tdrink anti-freeze! However, this chemical is found in hand sanitizers, moisturizers, shaving creams, deodorants and baby products. It weakens skin cells, and is linked to cancer, developmental and reproductive toxicity, allergies, immunotoxicity, and organ system toxicity!!! 

Here's a list of a few ingredients to research on your own:


1, 4-Dioxane

Ethyl Alcohol or Ethanol

Benzalkonium Chloride (BAC)

These chemicals are in so many of our products!

I went through my house this morning to search for products that could have these chemicals and I found lots! I have a pretty crunchy house & have already begun to toss the yucky stuff... even after all that I still found plenty of products I needed to toss! Old hand soaps under my sink, "natural" shampoo & conditioner, "natural" toothpaste... so like we mentioned last week, just because something says "GREEN" or "NATURAL" doesn't mean it's free of toxins!

I want you to feel empowered to start finding this info on your own, so I've given you a few links below to read through. Each of them will get you started to the road to research!

Check out these articles on DEODORANT:

Check out these articles on TOOTHPASTE:

So, what are we supposed to do? Be dirty and gross? OF COURSE NOT! There are natural options that we can use in place of the traditional, chemical-laden, cancer-causing stuff we would typically buy at the store. And places like Target are even starting to stock more natural products! Gotta love Target!

In our next post we will have a link party! I've been saving up product links, DIY links and much more. Get ready!! I'll see you all back here tomorrow!
Immune Systems Increasingly On Attack

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Baby Steps Day 8: Hair Care

Hope you all enjoyed learning more about what's been going on our faces!
Just for fun, here's a great link to lots more DIY beauty products.

Now today, we learn about what's going on our HEADS!

That's right.


It should be no surprise after learning all that we have so far, that most hair products are loaded with parabens, phthalates, and sulfates which are highly toxic to our reproductive and endocrine systems! Not to mention, these are all irritants in many people and some are known carcinogens!

So, we're going to skip the science today & get right to what you can use instead!!!

Homemade Hairspray Recipe

Homemade Hair Gel

Homemade DRY Shampoo (all the mommas said AMEN!)

NOW... let me knock your socks off with this. Have you ever heard of going NO POO? I'm not talking about anything potty related. I'm talking about using no shamPOO! If you're even the slightest bit crunchy, you'll know the term.

The idea behind this is that shampoos not only contain dangerous chemicals and toxins, but that they are extremely harsh on our hair. It is not recommended to wash your hair daily, especially not with shampoos. Our hair actually needs those oils to stay healthy and strong! Often, when we remove standard shampoos and conditioners, it takes a few weeks for our hair to "detox", but the finished product is healthier, shinier, stronger, more vibrant hair.

This is my next venture & I have plans to do a NO-POO CHALLENGE with those of you who are interested in kicking the 'POO in 2015. We will begin mid-March. Be on the lookout for more details in the coming weeks!

Tomorrow is another day packed full of links, information, and more BABY STEPS! See you then!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Baby Steps Day 7: Cosmetics & Nail Polish

Welcome back!

Today is the day, ladies. Today is the day we hear about what's REALLY been going on our faces. It's scary, I know... but there are some great alternatives & we can totally do this!

So, when you're a tween, the greatest thing you can imagine is the day you get to shave your legs, wear a bra and put on make up! Right? Now, WHY we all want to do these things is beyond me. WHY we want our chests to be bound, our faces to be covered and to forever be forced to shave your legs... I just don't understand. Nevertheless, most young girls want to!

Now here we all are, glowing at the young age of 25...

Wait! You don't get older either? ;)

Well, maybe not 25... but here we are. All these years later it's not for fun. We are putting on makeup to cover the imperfections, make ourselves look more awake, and possibly help us forget the wrinkles even if just for a moment. I could give some inspirational post here about loving the imperfections. I could encourage you to embrace the wrinkles and love your body because the wrinkles simply show us where we've smiled, laughed, grown, stretched. But like I said... here we are. Learning about the INGREDIENTS is what our focus is going to be on today.

When we reach for the foundation or the mascara, we probably aren't thinking about what is in it. BUT WE SHOULD. Because it's not good!

The big concern here is that toxins and metals can be absorbed through our skin. In particular, products put on lips, can then be ingested. Even fingernails are not exempt. Especially when put on little girls who might put their fingers in their mouths.

The Environmental Defense organization did a study where they tested different cosmetics for heavy metals. Why do heavy metals matter? According to Environmental Defense and numerous other articles and studies, they can build up in the body over time and are known to cause varied health problems, which can include: cancer, reproductive and developmental disorders, neurological problems; memory loss; mood swings; nerve, joint and muscle disorders; cardiovascular, skeletal, blood, immune system, kidney and renal problems; headaches; vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea; lung damage; contact dermatitis; and brittle hair and hair loss. Many are suspected hormone disruptors and respiratory toxins, and for some like lead, there is no known safe blood level.

So... yeah. Bad news!

Here's what their study found:

  • Seven of the eight metals of concern were found in 49 different face makeup items
  • All products contained at least two metals of concern
  • Some contained as many as seven of the eight in just a single product
  • None of the metals were listed on the product label
This means you could be ingesting these toxic metals into your body and never even know!

The most notable part of this to me is that the products that contained the highest amounts of metals like arsenic, cadmium, and lead (all of which do build in the body over time) were LIP GLOSSES, which means they are most likely getting ingested into our bodies!

No thank you!

And this is not the only study! There have been studies on cosmetics done by Contact Dermatitis, Environmental Working Group, Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, and the US-FDA. 

An Environmental Working Group analysis even found that at least 146 cosmetic ingredients may contain harmful impurities linked to cancer and other serious health impacts and that 80 per cent of the 9,747 personal care products studied contain these potentially contaminated ingredients, including more than 80 per cent of all lip balms (EWG, 2006). AND... lead, arsenic, heavy metals, and mercury were estimated to be potential impurities in 3.6, 3.5, 2.6, and 1.9 per cent of products. An example of ingredients that may have lead and other heavy metal impurities are D&C Red 6 and aluminum starch octenylsuccinate. 

Here's a fun fact, taken straight from the FDA's site though:
"The law does not require cosmetic products and ingredients (except for color additives not intended as coal-tar hair dyes) to have FDA approval before they go on the market..."

So, what does this mean? It means cosmetics are not regulated. It means that buying your makeup just got more complicated. So what are our options? 

First of all, we can use cosmetics less often. When you're home relaxing or just running to the grocery store... consider going makeup free. Or at least wear less. Embrace your face! 

Secondly, there are lots of DIY recipes. 

Third, there are a couple of great companies that are making efforts to provide safe, toxin-free cosmetics. I've linked them below.

I haven't tried any of these yet, but they are definitely on my list to try when I get to this on my own journey. I really hope to have a good replacement for my old cosmetics by spring when Eliza has her big dance recital. Once you know what's in this stuff, there's no way I can put any of those yucky toxins on my baby's precious face! 

So. That covers our faces, but what about another cosmetic that doesn't go on the face? 


Here are a few of the chemicals in nail polish that you should be aware of:

Formaldehyde- a known carcinogen (cancer-causing)

Dibutyl Phthalate- (recognize that word?) endocrine disruptor, harmful to reproduction, linked to liver and kidney damage

Toluene- The paint thinner smell that can be found in human milk when the mother is exposed & can cause toxic developmental hazard

Formaldehyde Resins- skin irritation, dermititis, environmentally toxic

Camphor- nausea, headaches, dizziness

Luckily there are some great options that are 5-free, removing these 5 toxic chemicals:

There's one company I've really fallen in love with though... JAMBERRY NAILS!!!

They're non-toxic, gluten-free, latex-free, made in the USA, vegan-friendly nail wraps & 5-free nail lacquers. 

The wraps stay on my fingers for 2 weeks, on my toes for way longer. Honestly, even at 2 weeks they still look great, but my nails have grown out by then so that's why I remove & put fresh ones on. I just really love these & because they never chip or peel, I always look clean & professional. As a doula, I use my hands for my work. These help me look and feel put together, even if I am not! Haha! 

Baseball season wraps! 

As always, here are a few links to keep learning. There are links within these articles as well that could keep you researching for hours! 
See you tomorrow!

New Study Finds Major Toxins in Many Cosmetics
99% of Breast Cancer Patients Have Parabens in Their Body
Chemicals in Cosmetics

Monday, January 5, 2015

Baby Steps Day 6: Intro to Personal Products


It's already Monday! I can't even believe it! My weekend just flew by and I'm sure yours did too.

Well, this week we are going to continue our Baby Steps series with PERSONAL PRODUCTS. Today we'll just introduce it, but get ready... because the rest of the week we are going to cover A LOT!

So you may be wondering what exactly I'm talking about when I say "personal products"...

Nail Polish
Hair products
Body Wash
Hand soaps
Baby products

There are so many products and so little time! Also get ready for some challenges. This is an area that I was so afraid to step into. Like I mentioned on Friday, it has been the last area to "go natural" for Michael and I. When we began our natural journey several years ago, we did the easy stuff first. For us, that was household products. Then we approached wellness/medications and food simultaneously. Because both of those have been a continuing process, we then added in personal products for the KIDS at some point. They were most important.

However, I am learning a lot right now about what it means to be a mom. I have been sacrificing for 9 years... my body, my sleep, my diet, my exercise, my health... and in 2015 that is all changing! A healthy mom is a happy mom, and a happy mom is a better mom! I have made a pretty big commitment to my health for this year. A huge part of that is diet and exercise, but another part is to finish what I started when I vowed to rid our home of toxins. In our home, in our bodies... outwardly, inwardly... circumstances, relationships... anything toxic must go!

And I'm taking you all along for the ride with me!

I hope you're ready...
See you tomorrow!

Friday, January 2, 2015

Baby Steps Day 5: The Problem With Plastic

Welcome back friends!

Today, we get to wrap up our topic for the week. We get to close the door on toxins and alternatives regarding household products and start off next week learning all about personal products! We are going to cover everything from cosmetics and toothpaste to deodorant, shampoo, tampons, diapers and so much more. Who's excited? Just me? I hope not! Personal products are actually the area that I am working on with my family right now. We started with household products, moved to food, then wellness & medications. Personal products are what I'm in the thick of throwing out, testing alternatives & convincing my family to try. So, next week should be fun... despite the fact that it means more baby steps. Come on guys! We can do this!!!

But we can't move on until we cover one more very important topic.


Yesterday we discussed endocrine disruptors in fragrances. One of the ingredients we brought up was PHTHALATES. We briefly discussed them, but what are they? Phthalates (pronounced thal-ates) are chemicals that soften plastic. That new toy and new shower curtain smell is phthalates off gassing. They’re also found in medical supplies such as IV tubes and drip bags, plastic food wrapping and containers, and most ubiquitously in fragrances of every description, from scented candles and (so-called) air fresheners, to fabric softeners and perfumes. And let’s not forget nail polish.

So, plastic food wrapping... plastic cups... tupperware... anything plastic really... are full of phthalates. 
All full of endocrine disruptors!

Now I'm getting personal! 

You mean, my kids' plastic sippy cups? Yep! 
You mean, my cute melamine plastic plates? Sure thing! 

But what about the BPA-free label?

Oh! Great question! I'm glad you asked!

BPA stands for the chemical Bisphenol-A. It is yet another plastic that is endocrine disrupting and linked to cancer. It has been removed from all products labeled for infants and young children due to these health concerns. HOWEVER, if they removed BPA... what was put in its place?

According to this study, the chemicals used to replace BPA were also chemicals with estrogenic activity! 

BPA, Phthalates and chemicals like them can leach these chemicals into our food and drinks when we use them, which is the big issue here. In addition, these plastics actually break down when heated, leaching even more chemicals into the food and drinks that we then consume! Heating could be from a microwave, dishwasher or even UV light! Raise your hand if you've ever taken an insulated, plastic sippy cup to the park on a sunny day... you too? Man!

So, if we can't use plastics, then what can we use. The two safest options are GLASS and uncoated metal like STAINLESS STEEL. 

We have made this switch almost completely. I have a small stash of plastic for when friends come over, just because I can't afford to re-stock my entire kitchen with glass or stainless only. My kids each have 2 cups and then we use glass plates/bowls for dinner. We switched out our tupperware and use only Pyrex glass dishes for leftovers. 

There are some great products out there now that weren't just 2 years ago when I purged all our plastic for the first time. I sometimes get crazy & buy plastic again. I have a weird cup obsession... & I sometimes can't help myself! Haha! See... everyone can improve somewhere... 

Links to our favorite bottles & water bottles for the kids are listed below, as well as links to more information! 
I'll see you all on Monday when we will begin to cover PERSONAL PRODUCTS!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Baby Steps Day 4: Fragrances, Air Fresheners & a little about Anti-Bac

I hope you all have learned something this week! We are wrapping up HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS tomorrow, but for today we are going to dig a little deeper into Fragrances and Air Fresheners.

But first... a link I had meant to share with you all at the beginning of the week.
The Environmental Working Group is a great organization committed to TOXIN-FREE living. They have several databases of products where you can search your specific product & then they rate it on a grading scale of A-B-C-D-F. It's an amazing resource to have & also really interesting to check out the products you've been using in your house to see just how toxic some of them could be!

So. Back to today's topic...

Have you ever walked past a Bath & Body Works? Or one of those candle stores? Oh the smells! They might make you feel happy, relaxed, sexy, sleepy, or even overwhelmed. My husband, on the other hand, used to get a headache anytime I would make him go in there with me when we were dating. I used to wonder why that was. Well, now I know that not only are those smells overwhelming his senses, triggering toxic overload symptoms... but they were also affecting his hormones! Artificial fragrances and aromas affect all of our hormones whether we notice or not!

There are ingredients in synthetic fragrances called PHTHALATES. Phthalates are associated with causing cancer, are known endocrine disruptors and are also thought to cause reprouctive issues. 

What does this mean?


Basically, they are mimicking Estrogen in the body. We all have Estrogen in some amount, but when your body thinks it has too much, due to the synthetic mimicking, it will not produce the amounts we actually need... THUS THE IMBALANCE. Now, our hormones are responsible for so much in our bodies! This includes responses to stress and injury, growth and development, absorption of nutrients, energy metabolism, water and electrolyte balance, reproduction, birth, and lactation. These are all crucial things!!!

There is another Estrogen-mimicking chemical in household and personal products called Triclosan. This happens to be in most anti-bacterial items like soaps, hand sanitizers, makeup, toothpaste, deodorant... but we'll get into all of those things next week. 

So, here's the deal. Anything with synthetic fragrances is problematic for your sake, but also for the sake of your kids. As an adult, you've already gone through puberty. You've already developed your own endocrine system. So, damage can still be done, in the case of causing cancer or causing hormone imbalances, but not as great as it could to a baby in utero whose endocrine system is being formed or to our little ones who have not yet hit puberty. Personally, I do not have any desire to have my children begin to go through puberty any earlier than necessary. Think about the other possible effects though... your sons, who have not yet reproduced... if they are exposed to enough endocrine disruptors, this could mean potential infertility. I don't know about you mommas, but I want grandbabies some day.

I've compiled a list of a few great links for you to look through. This is just the beginning of information you could read on this subject! So, gather up the Glade, the Febreze & the Germ X... and toss 'em! Your future grandchildren will thank you! 

See you all tomorrow!!