
Saturday, August 23, 2014

When the "sometimes" sucks

Friends, do you remember in my birth story when I talked about the "sometimes"? 

All you need to know is the “sometimes”. 
Sometimes things don’t go how we have planned. 
Sometimes it’s hard and we really have to work for what is important to us. 
Sometimes we not only have to work, but we have to fight. 
Sometimes, when it’s all said and done, you discover something you never knew. 
You uncover a warrior inside of you. 
I had never realized what I was truly capable of, 
and yet how much I needed everyone around me to get to that place.

Well, we've been walking through the "sometimes" since Easton was born. Things I've never dealt with. Things that came as a COMPLETE shock to me. Things that at the same time are bringing my family closer together. 

It's gone a little something like this...

Sometimes you get a UTI. 

Sometimes you spend a day in the ER when you are 2 days postpartum. 

Sometimes because of the infection & dehydration from the fever, your milk doesn't come in. 

Sometimes you give your baby donor milk in a bottle because it's been 5 days & he's hungry. 

Sometimes when your milk finally comes in, 8 days after birth, it's not a full supply. 

Sometimes you work for 6 weeks to get your supply up to half of your baby's feedings.

Sometimes your baby stops latching for no apparent reason. 

Sometimes your supply then drops for no apparent reason. 

Sometimes you learn how to exclusively pump even though you've only used a breastpump about 5 times before having this baby. 

Sometimes every one has some brilliant idea for you to try. 

Sometimes you've tried them all & nothing helps. 

Sometimes there are no answers.

Sometimes it feels like everything is falling apart & everything has gone wrong.

Sometimes you get a second opinion & the lactation consultant discovers a bacterial infection that never went away & is now external on your nipples... which means sometimes the pain is not "just because you're exclusively pumping". :)

Sometimes the community of women you have surrounding you step up to support you. 

Sometimes you are still working hard for every ounce of breastmilk you can give your baby. 

Sometimes you are brought to tears when you long to nurse your baby because you've done this five times and you would give anything to just nurse him.

Sometimes you're also brought to tears knowing that each of these women who have donated milk to your baby are now a special part of his life. 

Sometimes the hard stuff just plain sucks. 

Sometimes it's worth it because you gain something you never would have before. 

Sometimes you have to remind yourself of this. 
Like, every day. 
Ten times every day. 
While you eat chocolate. 

One of our last latches... for now... :)

My life... coffee, essential oils, and this beauty. Oh the sound of the breastpump...