
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Saturday Night Fevers

I found this un-published & its kind of perfect since we'll be to winter before we know it! :)

I'm sitting on the couch between my middle 2 kiddos... both with a fever. They've been napping for 2 days & finally woke up this afternoon. But cold & flu season is among the things I HATE about winter. I know, HATE is such a strong word, but truly that is why I use it in reference to this horrid season. Haha! So, in light of my disdain for the cold, I am going to list my top 10 favorite things about winter. Perhaps this could distract me from my crankiness toward the winter... or at least postpone any further negativity! :)

1. The first big snow!

It's beautiful when it snows over night & you wake up to find your street just covered in a blanket of white! We just had 2 snow days in a row this past week. They were just magical! The kids woke up, got into bed with me as we watched the snow fall for a bit, then went downstairs to open up the back windows and watch the snow some more while we ate breakfast. We made snow ice cream. We ate only things that were shaped like snowmen or were white like snow. We played in it. Michael took Efton sledding at the park! We got 10 inches, which was simply fabulous! Nothing beats a good snow in January!

2. CHRISTMAS, of course!

Oh, yes... the most wonderful time of the year! I just love how at Christmas, everything is exciting, especially to the kids! I love remembering Christmas as a little girl with my brothers. One year, my brother & I woke up in the middle of the night on Christmas Eve to just sit & look at the tree with all of our presents under it. We didn't touch, because Christmas tradition is just too important to mess with. He & I take Christmas very seriously! We take our trees very seriously, as well. I have my trees up every year the day after Thanksgiving. One tree I let the kids decorate, with as much STUFF as they want... colored lights, bubble lights, tacky ornaments, ornaments with our pictures on them, construction paper crafts, candy canes... it's loaded with all the mismatched things that make it look like a gingerbread house threw up on their tree. And then there's MY TREE! It's bright & sparkly & OH SO CHIC! Haha! It's jewel-toned, hot pink & lime green decorations, with silver beads & white lights. It has a big, silver star at the top & a few pink poinsettias scattered on it. I ADORE my tree! Efton got to help this year, but only under strict supervision. I know he is as OCD as I am, so I let him stay up... but only if he followed orders! :)

3. Black Friday

I know most people hate it, but I thrive on the excitement! My husband & I stay up every year on Thanksgiving scoping out the ads online. Then we compare & plot where we will go. My mom stays with the kids that morning so we can get in line early! We are shivering & freezing, but about 15 minutes until those doors open, I start to get really pumped! Michael laughs at me every year. I love it!

4. Christmas Sunday

The Sunday before Christmas is when the kids' program is at our church. I remember performing as a little girl. I always had a solo to sing & when we first started the church, I was the only girl, so I got to be Mary for probably 5 years in a row. Haha! I thought it was because I looked so pure! BAAHAHA!
A couple years ago all of our toddlers and preschoolers were baby animals at the manger. They were in farm animal costumes... well, the "cows" got restless & started roaming all over the sanctuary... PRICELESS! Always priceless!

5. Starting fresh in January

No matter what the past year has held, we always get to start over new! I love staying up late and shouting HAPPPPP-Y NEW YEAR!!! It means that as of today, we forget the last 365 days & focus on the next. WHat will they hold? Who knows! That's why it's so exciting! Michael & I got married on the 30th, for that very reason! We needed to start the year fresh as a family! The year we got married was a looong, rough year. We learned a lot & grew a lot FOR SURE, but starting that new year out together... past forgotten, looking to the future, was such a blessing!

6. Organizing your life

Along with that new, fresh start comes this desire (at least for me) to clean everything out of our house & organize it! Haha! Its like I can make it through the holidays, but then life has to go on & we have to get some order back into our lives! This year, I have been determined to get EVERY area of our lives organized: work, school, family, personal... watch out... I'm on a rampage!

7. Valentine's Day

Is right up there with Christmas on my list of holidays! I LOVE to celebrate LOVE! I always decorate our house with pink & red, make anything heart-shaped I can think of & then I throw a Valentine Party for my kids & all their cousins (there are 12!). It just is a really great excuse to go OUT OF YOUR WAY to show and tell everyone how much you care about them.


Yes, I know... how shallow and materialistic! Whatever! :) Every year I am anxiously waiting for that W2 to come in the mail so I can sit down with Michael one night & do our taxes. I hate money and numbers. I am terrible at math, so Michael does it all. He has this sick fascination and love for math... yuck! BUT somehow, I "get" the math when I see the numbers at the end! Yeah, baby! It's just comforting to know you can breathe for about a week before you spend it on whatever you spend it on. For us, it always seems to pay bills & buy clothes for our kids. But I do always make sure we get to go out to eat just once with it before we rifle it away on more "practical" things.


Although they are itchy & awful, everyone just looks so cute in sweaters. That's all I have to say about that. I'm sick of them by mid-January, but they sure are adorable!

10. FIRES in the fireplace

aaaahhhh... so toasty & warm!! Almost makes me like winter. But not quite enough! :)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

A new year... now what?!

2011. It's here & I feel like I just got used to writing 2010! This year has just FLOWN BY! A year ago, I was pregnant, homeschooling my 3 and 4 year olds, living in a very cramped house with my family, & had just sent my husband BACK to school... and I thought I was busy. HA! I wish I had that much time now. 

With a new year comes a fresh start. That is something I am always up for! When I was thinking about New Year's Resolutions, the usual came to mind... eat better, lose weight, read my Bible more. But considering how much happened in 2010 & how much life has changed for us, I have really begun to realize how important those "usual" resolutions are. So, in honor of my kids, who need their mom to be as healthy as possible (both physically AND spiritually), I am trying my hardest to keep those "normal" resolutions. 

2011 here I come... 
eating healthier
cutting back on soda
reading my Bible more
spending more time with my husband
trying to work out several times a week
sleeping more
being more patient

I probably won't do every single thing... every single week... BUT the cool thing is that my husband, my kids & more importantly, GOD are not interested in my complete success. My kids don't care if I work out 5 times a week, instead of the one time it happens... they just need a mom who doesn't groan every time I pick them up because my back hurts. My husband doesn't care if we have this fabulous, romantic night...   he just wants time with his wife. And God doesn't care if I spend an hour a day reading my Bible or the 15 minutes that I have before I wake the kids up. He doesn't care if I look like I did 6 years ago before I had kids. He doesn't mind that I didn't take my pajamas off yesterday until my mother-in-law called to say she was on her way over. God just wants me to spend time with him each day. He wants me to depend on him, rather than that Dr. Pepper. He wants me to know HIS voice and HIS words more than I know anyone else's. 

So, in 2011, I may not lose those last 5 "baby pounds". I might not completely give up soda. And, I know this is shocking, but I will probably still lose my patience this year. HA! But the whole point is not all the times that I will fail... it's about how many MORE TIMES I can have success. How many more times will I wake up 15 minutes earlier to read my Bible this year than I did last year. How many more times will I work out this year than I did last year? If it's even ONE MORE TIME, then I have succeeded. Just one more day that I choose to go to bed, instead of stay up all night, which then results in me losing my patience & having an extra soda the next day... 

As a mom, these are not easy resolutions to make. They are probably impossible, but that is why they are so vague. HAha! We will see what happens, but for now... I am resolving to try my hardest!