
Monday, April 30, 2012

Birthday Parties

I've gotten lots of questions lately about why I do such extravagant parties for my kids. Especially now that there are 5, it gets harder ever year to pull off birthday WEEK! But it's SO important to me!

Every year my children get another year older, it's another year I've been blessed by their life. So many babies' destinies are stolen from them through abortion before they've even had a chance to live. I see my kids' birthdays as another chance to BLESS them, celebrate their LIFE, & get excited for their DESTINY!

Also, we have 5 children. Let me tell ya, it's hard work to make sure everyone gets special one-on-one time each week. Their birthday is my way of telling them "the day you were born is as important to me as if you were the only one"! They pick meals, they pick activities, and they help plan every part of that party. It is a celebration of that child.

So, it might seem excessive to some, but it's a necessity to me. Its not about my party planning skills or showing off to other parents. It is truly about my kids. Now, I'm not gonna lie... I do have a pretty good time doing it! :)

Ladybug's Big Day

My little ladybug, Ester Pearl, just turned 2 a few weeks ago. I can hardly believe how big she is getting.

2 years ago, on March 17 (St. Patty's Day) I was at the hospital. It was early in the morning, and as I looked around our hospital room, I noticed little ladybugs all over. The nurses said that they've been "having a problem with these ladybugs & don't know where they're coming from." Well, I'm pretty sure God brought them just for me.

There are 2 things you have to know...

1.Ladybugs are protectors. They taste bad to predators, so as they land on certain crops of fruit, it protects that fruit from being eaten by an animal that might destroy it.

2. Ester's birth was my first "natural" birth. Meaning, no drugs. I had 3 beautiful babies born with an epidural, mainly because I was terrified of a natural birth. My 3rd had several complications (due to the epidural) & thank God, he came just before a C-Section would have been "necessary" as far as a hospital is concerned. I was positive drug-free is what I wanted, but I was still scared!!

So, those ladybugs were so reassuring. They were like God's little reminder that He was protecting me... & my baby!

It was a longer labor than my other 3. But I was determined to not let any nurses sway me. No pitocin this time!!!

I wish I had been brave enough to tell them I didn't want an IV too, because I couldn't really move around. Regardless, I laid in that bed (probably why labor was slow) and labored as naturally as I knew how. I breathed deeply. I stayed calm. I waited patiently.

We were watching a movie, when all of a sudden the contractions really picked up. My doctor was expecting it to be a few more hours & was delivering at another hospital, so my other OB (her partner) came instead. With 3 pushes, I delivered my baby girl. I was determined that afternoon to birth a baby & to feel the whole thing. It was not what I expected at all. The pain was tolerable. It was brief. And it was all worth it!

She was small & sweet. She only cried when separated from daddy or mommy. Best of all... she had red hair! Our first redhead!!! She was beautiful.

Now, 2 years later, this spunky little redhead is still a constant reminder of God's protection. She brings more life to our family than we knew before! She is funny, talkative & the cutest little ladybug I have ever laid eyes on. She doesn't put up with "unacceptable" behavior from her brothers. She's mommy's helper with her baby brother. She loves to color, fill purses, play dress up, & sword fight with the boys. But don't cross her, or she'll let you know.

Happy 2nd birthday, sweet girl! Our family would not be the same without you... or any of my babies, for that matter.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Catching Up

I haven't blogged in over a month & to be honest, I haven't really had anything to blog about. Things have NOT been boring, but just the opposite. It has been one thing after another for us & I just haven't had time to breathe, much less blog about it!

Despite this busy schedule, I DO find certain blog posts important... like those dedicated to my children on their birthdays, or my "a-ha!" moments as a mommy of 5. :)

So, bear with me as I post those, as well as I attempt to begin a blogging schedule. We will be changing the name of this blog (the big reveal coming soon) & a fun schedule along with it. Keep following for updates!!! :)

As for now, I'm gonna go nurse my sweet boy to sleep...