
Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Today is my birthday. #26, to be exact. I love my birthday, & with the exception some random unfortunate ones, I have nothing but wonderful memories of March 7! In these past 26 years, I've learned a lot. Some things humorous, some things inspirational. Regardless, these are the top 26 things I've learned in my 26 fabulous years. 26 things I'd I want my daughter to know as she grows up:

1. Haircuts are better done by a professional... not yourself! Especially when you're 3.

2. Self-given haircuts end in slightly less than fabulous styles resembling a mullet/pixie cut to cover up the damage done.

3. When sticking up for your little brothers, beating others with a baseball bat and/or chasing perpetrators up the street with said bat is not the answer. Well, I take that back. It solves the problem, but you still get in trouble whether you are sticking up for them or not.

4. Singing musicals in different accents brings in quite a bit of $$ for your piggy bank.

5. When that bully of a 5 yr old (who had to repeat Kindergarten anyway- why was I trying to impress her in the first place?!) asks your favorite color... ask what hers is first, just say the same & then ignore her from that point on. It avoids an entire elementary school life of being made to feel like a loser just because you have more than one favorite color... or as I said it "I like every color!"

6. Always bring a matching purse to church. When you are so fabulous, there are plenty of things to shove in there!

7. Don't feel weird for liking musicals. Later, you'll be the cool, educated one & everyone else will feel left out when you say "you mean you have NEVER seen My Fair Lady"?

8. When asked to bring a show & tell about a family memory, do not make up one about your brother being born on an airplane. That's a lie. It will not end how you imagine.

9. It's ok if no one else thinks you're funny. Once you have kids, it's like you're own private comedy club & everyone thinks you're hilarious... or embarrassing. Either way, it's worth it!

10. Parents prefer when you ASK to do things, not tell them what you're planning to do.

11. Pedicures make everything better

12. Take naps as long as you can. Someday you'll wish you could take more.

13. Don't stress about college. Take your time to decide what you really want & if you don't know... Then wait! It's not like you'll be too old as soon as you turn 19!

14. Even if your parents ARE being unfair, it's probably truly for your own good & you should just trust that.

15. Sometimes your parents are just as confused as you.

16. When your dad grounds you from your boyfriend, even though he's being ridiculously over-protective, it's still a little on the dramatic side to try to run away!

17. Blessed are the flexible, for they will not be bent out of shape!

18. Forget about the stereotypes in your head & just do what you're called to do. It might look different than what you'd imagined!

19. Treat your body like the Temple of the Lord... how you eat, sleep, exercise... Even if you are young. Better to conquer that now than 20 yrs too late.

20. When you feel like you can't wait another second... keep waiting. Patience is WAY more than just a virtue.

21. What is done is secret EVENTUALLY will be SHOUTED from the rooftops. & sometimes a pregnant belly shouts the loudest of all.

22. Learn, learn & keep learning! Read, read & keep reading. There is nothing you know everything about!

23. Childbirth is the most empowering, rewarding & beautiful thing you will ever do. Don't be afraid of it... study it!

24. You can do ALL THINGS through Christ, who gives you strength. So, you might not have it now, but he WILL give it!

25. Children grow so fast. Don't try to rush them, or push them into the next stage. It won't last long, so just enjoy them! The days go by slowly, but the years go so fast!

26. Don't settle... Just don't ever settle. Wait for God's very best!

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