Ever been here?
Phrases of my week:
"No mommy- you don't tell ME no!!"
"I don't want to take a nap & I AM NOT TIRED!"
"Mommy, when you raise your voice I think it makes God sad" (child slightly grins since they know they're a stinker)
Being a mom is wonderful, rewarding & exciting. It is also challenging, frustrating & often depressing. Just like anything in life, there are pros and there are cons.
Good thing being a mommy isn't measured by the pros and cons each day... because let's all be honest, some days it would not seem to be worth it. Some days being a mommy just plain sucks & that's all there is to it. I mean, if we looked at every "mommy moment" as a pro or a con, it would be so overwhelming! Vomiting children? CON!
Potty training? CON!
Mass amounts of laundry? CON!
Sleeplessness? CON!
So, now are we seeing the depressing part of motherhood? Haha! Well, let me shine a light on the other half! In school right now, my Kindergartner is learning about wholes & halves. A half is when you can divide the whole into two, EQUAL parts.
So, when you are a mother with YOUNG children, it might seem as though the pros & cons are definitely not equals parts. The cons are winning & you are barely hanging on! I get that! I'm there!
I'm also realizing though, that as my older children get... well, older (ha! They do that, you know?!)... it's like a sliding scale. We enter a new season with that child where it becomes equal parts again. And then, we start to see MORE pros than cons. And somedays, I see a light at the end of the tunnel! Occasional days of relapse are always a possibility, but the keyword is SEASON!
The Bible says "to every thing there is a season..."
God knows there are hard times. He isn't here to take those away. Those are the growing times in our lives. Those are the times when our true colors show. When what inside of us, good or bad, comes out! But he does offer hope that this is only a SEASON! Children grow, and so do mommies.
As cliche as this is, I challenge you to cherish it. No, don't cherish it "because they grow so fast". Honor this season. See the temporary status update & make the best of it. Work hard for those good days. Take advantage of those precious moments during the day... not because "soon they'll be over", but because that's how you SURVIVE! You have to live from one hug & giggle to the next... You'll make it through, I promise! It's only for a SEASON!
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