Every year on my birthday, I take my oldest daughter on a date. We do it on her birthday, too. We go to the nail salon for pedicures. This year my birthday week is particularly busy, so we went a week early. I know many moms who are anti "pampering" for their daughters...
Well I say pish-posh! Twice a year pedicures will not spoil my daughter, at least not any more than I'd like her spoiled. I think every little girl deserves to know how she *should* be treated:
• having doors opened for her
• being treated like a lady
• getting pampered every once in a while
• going fancy places
We had the BEST time together last night, sitting in those massage chairs. At one point I looked at her with a smile... we reached across the "aisle" between us & held hands for a while. Then, we got matching nail polish: hot pink with gold sparkles.
It was just what we both needed. We got away from screaming toddlers, away from our to-do lists & chores... we drank coffee (& a juice box) while getting our feet scrubbed & rubbed... it was a perfect date!
Start the conversation below! Do you take your daughter(s) on a dates? What's your favorite date idea?
Eliza looks so grown up in the pic you took in the van. Abigail and I have hot tea dates, I try to do it once a week, but lately life has been overly busy and I've not been able to do it. But after the other kids are in bed we make hot tea for ourselves and get cozy in a room away from Daddy and have girl time. Right now we're working through a book called "Beautiful Girlhood" It's great and I highly reccomend it, We started it a bit early, it's written more for girls in their early teens, so I'm working through it slowly. But it's a great book about how to be a godly woman and how to enjoy the things of girlhood and not be in a huge hurry to become a woman. It also talks about purity and modesty and what it means to be a Proverbs 31 woman. And there's a little devotional that goes with it. Abigail loves doing it and begs me to do it with her. When life settles down and we have less evening commitments this summer I hope to get back on a once a week schedule. :-) We also take the kids out to breakfast just mom and birthday girl, or dad and birthday boy on their actual birthday. They love it and feel very special that they get to have a meal out with only mom or dad.