Can I just get real with y'all?
I am always late. ALWAYS.
No matter how hard I try...
somebody always poops as I'm tying kids' shoes necessitating a diaper change...
or the baby spits up all over himself so I have to search the mounds of laundry for a new outfit...
Or I just can't get it all together in time: the kids, the shoes, the jackets, the stuff, the breakfast, the coffee, the keys, & everything else!
I mean, I was never one of those "15 minutes early" kinda people. I have always been a last minute person. I always got to school AS the bell was ringing, but still had to get to my locker & the classroom. You know...
But each child has added 5 minutes to my late-ness. It is expected for me to be 10-15 minutes late, common for me to be 15-20 minutes late, and if we're being REALLY honest... It is not unheard of for me to be 30-45 minutes late!
Thank God we homeschool or my poor kids would be missing recess for tardiness!
You know what I really hate? The random day I'm gonna be really close to on time... & I get stuck behind the schoolbus that stops every 3 streets, letting what seems like 500 really slow children off the bus... or there is a tractor driving down the highway (yes, happened last week) & I can't get over... Hate that!
I set clothes out the night before. I often pack bags the night before. I wake up with plenty of time. I never plan anything before 9:30am, because that's just asking for it. And I usually set our clocks 10 minutes fast to trick myself.
I don't have an answer... I'm not sure if there is one. I'm just being real, and today I was 20 minutes late to a chiropractor appointment. They weren't surprised.
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