
Thursday, November 15, 2012

TOP TEN... Mommy Moment

My Top Ten "Mommy Moments"

10. The birth of my first baby. I didn't really like babies, but the moment I held that sweet boy in my arms, I became a mommy. I've never been the same again!

9. The first time #3 screamed at me. There are lots of reasons behind his behavior, but I think a small part was God's little way of saying "see, you don't have it all figured out"! :)

8. When I was able to lead my 2nd & 3rd children in the prayer of salvation. I had never led anyone to Christ before this. SUCH a significant moment as a Christian AND a mother!

7. The day we had our home birth. If you haven't read my posts on this, check out "My Journey to Ezrah" & "Ezrah's Homebirth". Life-changing!!

6. The first time I got 3 kids down for a nap @ the same time. I felt like I had conquered the world!

5. When I first went to the store alone with 4 children. I remember being SO scared! The baby (now 2 1/2) was 6 weeks old & this was before we used cloth diapers, so I HAD to go get diapers. By the time I left... she was crying, the kids were so close to a meltdown- I could feel it, & I was sweating in the checkout! Haha! Now look at me! :)

4. Birthday parties! All of them. Even the ones I felt were not "my best work", I still know a part of me was put into that event. My kids know that their parties aren't JUST a party. It's my love language! It's how I show them I care so deeply for them... & they LOVE IT!

3. Those "shining homeschool moments" as I like to call them... the ones where we enjoy an activity as a family, that supplements something we're learning, & everyone has fun LEARNING together!

2. Putting my babies to bed. It didn't used to be easy. It used to be me... all alone while daddy worked... sitting in the floor crying & nursing, while the other kids cried in their beds. Thank GOD we figured out that we could do bedtime HOWEVER we want! Ha! It's like we thought there was a right & a wrong way! Or that we should do what everyone said bc it worked for them... well, guess what? My kids are different. Not better. Not worse. DIFFERENT! When I figured that out, my whole life changed!

1. When I decided to enjoy every stage my children were in, rather than constantly wishing for the next one! I know the moment it happened. I became many years wiser that day!

So... what moments make up your Top Ten as a mommy? I'd love to hear. Start the convo in the comments below!

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