
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Top Ten... You know you're a mommy when

Top Ten Ways
You Know You're a Mommy...

10. You go to get change out of your wallet and find 2 goldfish & 1 animal cracker- & that won't buy a coffee!

9. You get to the end of the day, thinking you've done everything on your to-do list, then realize you should have added "brush my teeth" to the list...

8. You leave the house proud that you are on time & don't look like a mommy when... don't look down there's snot on your shoulder!

7. Conversations about poop don't even make you blink- that's normal, right?!

6. Forgetting your coupons could bring tears in middle of the checkout lane

5. You look for your decorative throw everywhere only to find it has been baking in the pretend oven all night long.

4. The phrase "git er dun" is used in reference to taking vitamins or medicines, and cleaning rooms.

3. You lick your finger and clean your child's face... despite your mocking it a few years prior(something about a cat, I think)

2. You can hardly carry on an adult conversation- everything is about your children or would require a construction paper craft for you to prove your point.

1. You hear a baby cry in the store and feel a strange feeling that you must feed it, or nurse it if necessary

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