
Wednesday, January 9, 2013


I started homeschooling thinking it would be “only a year” & then I’d send my kids back to school. We just “had to make it through” this next year. Then we had baby #5 & my whole life changed.

When we had the fourth baby, I wondered why it was so hard. Having 3 had been a breeze! In fact, I wish it had been harder, because I feel like I kind of over-looked baby 3, thinking “he’s just like the other 2” (WRONG!). Looking back though, I realize that #4 was hard because we officially were a large family. Something happens when you have 4.

Well, something else happened when I had 5… I EMBRACED the large family lifestyle! When #4 came, we had to get a minivan. I cried! No joke! 

When #5 came, I was rocking that minivan! I got those stick figure things on the back for our family & accepted the fact that my van was packed FULL. 

So were my hands, apparently!

I was at the store last week, and someone said the usual:

“Are these ALL yours?”
Me: Yes, ma’am they are!
“Wow! You sure have got your hands full!”
Me: Yes ma’am, with very good things! We have lots of fun!
(then her look of utter confusion at my response)

I decided to then ask my kids a question:
“Hey guys, that lady says mommy has her hands full. Is that true?”
Kids, in unison: YES!
“What do you think they are full of?”
My oldest daughter: “well, children of course”

Haha! Yes dear, they are very full of children! When I reached this place of acceptance, I began to desperately search for help! HELP WE HAVE 5 KIDS! I knew that someone out there MUST have 5 children & be surviving. I began reading my “Duggars” books. I began finding blogs. I began asking friends with lots of kids how they handled things like laundry, sorting socks, toys, chores, dinner…

I was starting to think differently! I also realized that these things could be helpful for any mom! In the coming posts, I am so excited to share with you all MY personal tips & secrets for large families. Don’t feel left out if you only have 2 kids… these things can help anyone, its just that they are a life-saver for big families!

I can’t wait to share with you all what I have learned… & most likely entertain you with my total craziness along the way! J


  1. I'm looking forward to it! We may soon be making our temporary 5th into a permanent 5th. ;)
