
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Positive thinking

Today, I am 40 weeks and 2 days. Baby is still not here & I'm attempting to patiently wait for him or her to arrive. It's not easy. I want to meet my baby!

However, since this is most likely our last baby that I will carry, I am trying to enjoy every last moment. I am relishing every kick & movement. I have done everything on my pregnant bucket list. We've taken maternity photos. We've done a belly cast. We've done henna belly art. 

I also counted how many months I've been pregnant. Our oldest is almost 9 years old. If you add 9 months on to that, I got pregnant for the first time, 114 months ago. In the past 114 months, I have been pregnant for... FIFTY FOUR MONTHS! So, I have some experience being pregnant. 

In the spirit of distraction & staying positive as I wait for our next bundle of joy, here are my TOP TEN REASONS I LOVE BEING PREGNANT...

10. People really feel obligated to open doors & carry bags for you. It's not usually because they think pregnant women are incapable, but they just feel like they should. And I'm okay with that!
Especially when I'm pushing a cart full of groceries with 5 other children hanging off every side. 

9. Late night snacks are not only acceptable, but expected. Baby needs to eat!

8. Picking baby names is super fun! I mean, unless you're 39 weeks & it makes you cry because you can't name your baby until you meet them. But I haven't ever dealt with this. ;)

7. You get a lot of use out of those 3 shirts that fit you at the end. No other items in your wardrobe will ever be as loved. 

6. The nightly show that happens across your belly when you lay down in bed. Once, Michael grabbed our daughter's elbow. Haha! She pulled it back so fast that it made me sick. Crazy!!

5. Yoga pants. Enough said. 

4. If you've had other babies, you don't notice your stretch marks... because they're stretched out! It's perfect!

3. Your fabulously luscious locks. Thank you prenatal vitamins!!

2. You're not fat. You're carrying a human life inside of you, AND much of it is going to disappear when baby is born. I mean, we're talking baby, placenta, blood, amniotic fluid... 

1. Hearing baby's heartbeat at every appointment. It doesn't matter if you've heard it before. Every time is this amazing experience where you're reminded of how FREAKING AWESOME it is that you're growing a baby INSIDE OF YOU!!!

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