Are you all ready to get your link on?
I've gathered all my favorites for you right here! Obviously these are not the ONLY products, but they are the ones that we use at our house or that we intend on using as we continue this journey of switching out our mainstream personal products!
You're going to see a lot of the same brands, because I have six kids. I can't mess around ordering from a hundred different websites. If I can get it at Target... I will. If I can place ONE order each month and get everything we need... I will.
So, please don't feel like if you don't like these or can't afford these then you HAVE to stick with the old, toxic products. Shop around, do your research & find what works for your family! Now, I will tell you, we are on a crazy tight budget. So, if we are using a product, you can be pretty sure I've already shopped around to find a good deal. But again, I've got six kids, so I don't spend all day, every day, researching products. I find what fits in our budget, what works for us, what we like... and you should do the same.
So, without an further explanation, here are my favorite personal products:
Honest Company has a great option. I do not use their toothpaste, but Michael and our kids do! $5.95 and eligible to go onto a bundle with Honest Co.
Michael likes the adult version a lot. It's $3.95 for 2 smaller size tubes. The cool thing is, they're smaller so he can take it on a plane without needing to get a travel-size toothpaste full of yucky ingredients!
Personally, I LOVE using my doTERRA OnGuard Toothpaste. Next week we have 2 days designated to Essential Oils, BUT I have stained, sensitive teeth from LOTS of antibiotics as a child. Since using this toothpaste, my teeth have actually been whiter & less sensitive. Also, I'm pretty sure I had a cavity & it hasn't bothered me since using this. AWESOME! Even, better, as a Wellness Advocate, I get this at a 25% off discount, not to mention if I order it through our Loyalty Rewards Program, I am earning another 25% in points to buy more stuff next month! BONUS!! So, I highly recommend this product!
You can check it out at the link below, or by going through my website at & selecting SHOP.
This category is another that we stick to Honest Company & doTERRA!
Honest Company has a great line for lotion and a Shampoo/Body Wash that we use for our kids. We also use their Bubble Bath for our boys (not for our girls... more on that in the next post). The hand soap is really awesome, too!
Then I really love doTERRA's Wild Orange hand lotion, OnGuard hand soap and chapstick. The chapstick has peppermint and wild orange Essential Oils in it, so my kids won't touch it because it's minty, BUT I like it!
Another great chapstick we use is the EOS brand. I first got it because... TARGET! But I really love it. They also have shaving cream that is really lovely. And check out these ingredients! Fantastic!
This is our family's next Baby Step. These are the options I plan on trying for myself, my hubby & our 9 year old:
Honest Company
Burt's Bees,default,pd.html?cgid=forHim&start=4&q=#start=4,default,pd.html?cgid=forHim&start=10&q=#start=10
Naturally Fresh Crystal Deodorant Spray
Primal Pit Paste
AS ALWAYS, There are a lot of really awesome DIY recipes for all of these...
Instead of food coloring on these you could use a fruit juice- like an organic cranberry or raspberry.
Have fun looking through all of these great products & recipes! Feel free to check out my Pinterest page for more great ideas! And I'll see you all soon as we cover some more PRIVATE personal products that are of great importance!
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