
Friday, January 2, 2015

Baby Steps Day 5: The Problem With Plastic

Welcome back friends!

Today, we get to wrap up our topic for the week. We get to close the door on toxins and alternatives regarding household products and start off next week learning all about personal products! We are going to cover everything from cosmetics and toothpaste to deodorant, shampoo, tampons, diapers and so much more. Who's excited? Just me? I hope not! Personal products are actually the area that I am working on with my family right now. We started with household products, moved to food, then wellness & medications. Personal products are what I'm in the thick of throwing out, testing alternatives & convincing my family to try. So, next week should be fun... despite the fact that it means more baby steps. Come on guys! We can do this!!!

But we can't move on until we cover one more very important topic.


Yesterday we discussed endocrine disruptors in fragrances. One of the ingredients we brought up was PHTHALATES. We briefly discussed them, but what are they? Phthalates (pronounced thal-ates) are chemicals that soften plastic. That new toy and new shower curtain smell is phthalates off gassing. They’re also found in medical supplies such as IV tubes and drip bags, plastic food wrapping and containers, and most ubiquitously in fragrances of every description, from scented candles and (so-called) air fresheners, to fabric softeners and perfumes. And let’s not forget nail polish.

So, plastic food wrapping... plastic cups... tupperware... anything plastic really... are full of phthalates. 
All full of endocrine disruptors!

Now I'm getting personal! 

You mean, my kids' plastic sippy cups? Yep! 
You mean, my cute melamine plastic plates? Sure thing! 

But what about the BPA-free label?

Oh! Great question! I'm glad you asked!

BPA stands for the chemical Bisphenol-A. It is yet another plastic that is endocrine disrupting and linked to cancer. It has been removed from all products labeled for infants and young children due to these health concerns. HOWEVER, if they removed BPA... what was put in its place?

According to this study, the chemicals used to replace BPA were also chemicals with estrogenic activity! 

BPA, Phthalates and chemicals like them can leach these chemicals into our food and drinks when we use them, which is the big issue here. In addition, these plastics actually break down when heated, leaching even more chemicals into the food and drinks that we then consume! Heating could be from a microwave, dishwasher or even UV light! Raise your hand if you've ever taken an insulated, plastic sippy cup to the park on a sunny day... you too? Man!

So, if we can't use plastics, then what can we use. The two safest options are GLASS and uncoated metal like STAINLESS STEEL. 

We have made this switch almost completely. I have a small stash of plastic for when friends come over, just because I can't afford to re-stock my entire kitchen with glass or stainless only. My kids each have 2 cups and then we use glass plates/bowls for dinner. We switched out our tupperware and use only Pyrex glass dishes for leftovers. 

There are some great products out there now that weren't just 2 years ago when I purged all our plastic for the first time. I sometimes get crazy & buy plastic again. I have a weird cup obsession... & I sometimes can't help myself! Haha! See... everyone can improve somewhere... 

Links to our favorite bottles & water bottles for the kids are listed below, as well as links to more information! 
I'll see you all on Monday when we will begin to cover PERSONAL PRODUCTS!

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