
Monday, January 5, 2015

Baby Steps Day 6: Intro to Personal Products


It's already Monday! I can't even believe it! My weekend just flew by and I'm sure yours did too.

Well, this week we are going to continue our Baby Steps series with PERSONAL PRODUCTS. Today we'll just introduce it, but get ready... because the rest of the week we are going to cover A LOT!

So you may be wondering what exactly I'm talking about when I say "personal products"...

Nail Polish
Hair products
Body Wash
Hand soaps
Baby products

There are so many products and so little time! Also get ready for some challenges. This is an area that I was so afraid to step into. Like I mentioned on Friday, it has been the last area to "go natural" for Michael and I. When we began our natural journey several years ago, we did the easy stuff first. For us, that was household products. Then we approached wellness/medications and food simultaneously. Because both of those have been a continuing process, we then added in personal products for the KIDS at some point. They were most important.

However, I am learning a lot right now about what it means to be a mom. I have been sacrificing for 9 years... my body, my sleep, my diet, my exercise, my health... and in 2015 that is all changing! A healthy mom is a happy mom, and a happy mom is a better mom! I have made a pretty big commitment to my health for this year. A huge part of that is diet and exercise, but another part is to finish what I started when I vowed to rid our home of toxins. In our home, in our bodies... outwardly, inwardly... circumstances, relationships... anything toxic must go!

And I'm taking you all along for the ride with me!

I hope you're ready...
See you tomorrow!

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