
Monday, January 12, 2015

Baby Steps Day 11: Intro to Wellness

Welcome back to our Baby Steps to Natural Living series!

We have been learning lots, and HOPEFULLY you all are feeling more empowered and prepared to start taking some of these baby steps in your own homes!

Last week, we covered Personal Products & ended with a post about our "Private" health. It's been one of the most popular posts in this series! I would encourage you to head over and check it out if you haven't read it yet... LADIES! This is an important one!

This week we are going to dive into Natural Health & Wellness. We will talk briefly about medications, but the goal of this week is to EMPOWER you all to take charge of your own healthcare. Doctors are wonderful & I believe that medications and prescriptions can be a wonderful TOOL! Notice I did not say "answer". I believe that they are a tool in our toolbox that we need knowledge of (both pros and cons) and that we should use when we have tried all the other options first. When we have gotten to the root of an issue and are treating that ROOT, not just the symptoms. Unfortunately that is not the way most mainstream doctors operate.

I should warn you though: this a hard transition! Especially if you come from a very medically-minded background. My goal this week is to arm you with all the information you need to FIRST prevent sickness and disease, but then to combat these ailments in the least destructive way possible.

I feel like it's always a good idea to have knowledge about alternative health options also, for the sake of emergency preparedness. In fact, you'll notice that most of the topics we have covered are good for this purpose. If there were a natural disaster or any kind of devastating war in our country & we suddenly did not have access to medications or hand sanitizers or shampoo... knowing how to make these items easily is a wonderful skill to have!

I'm so excited to get started!
The first thing we need to do is determine how our bodies WORK! Human biology here we come!
I'm going to give you all a few links to read up on & then when you are ready, you'll be more able to understand all of our posts for this week!

Here is an in-depth look at how our immune system works:

This talk in depth about all of the various ways our bodies prevent illness. I do not agree with ALL of the linked articles, but the info here is pretty good:

Tomorrow we will get into the meat of this topic, but I felt like a good intro was necessary when we're talking about health & wellness. See you all then!

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