
Friday, June 29, 2012

Friday Top Ten... room cleaning edition

It's Friday Top Ten!

Today, the top ten reasons my children give as to why they cannot clean their rooms:

10. I'm tired

9. I need help

8. I didn't make that mess

7. It's not that messy

6. I'm thirsty

5. I have to go potty

4. It's too messy

3. I'm hungry

2. I already picked up

1. My knee hurts

What?! Oh, my children... it's Friday. That means those rooms are getting cleaned!

(enter mommy with trash bags & a coffee)

(bursting into tears to follow by children)

I absolutely do not like "room cleaning day". It usually ends with me frustrated, the little kids unloading all the things we are picking up & the big kids crying. How do you mommy's handle room clean-up? Any special tips or tricks that save the day?

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Hilarious & Horrifying

"Hey mom! Look at me!"

Those words are usually followed by some sort of action or outfit that most mothers would be shocked to see! Haha! Here is a countdown of the top 5 "look at me" moments of the past weeks, brought to you by my 5 children...

5. I turn around to see my 2 year old RIDING ON THE BABY'S BACK!!! "Ezrah's a horsey!" Oh good heavens!

4. My son filled up a small bowl of water, put straws in his mouth(like a walrus) & is drinking like this. "I think this is how walruses drink!" hmmm... not quite! But good idea! :)

3. The girls were doing a craft. Little Ester had put stickers on her legs & was dancing around, covered in princesses. It would have been no big deal, except the booty shaking & head bobbing was just too much! Priceless!

2. I look up & see my oldest... head to toe in superhero dress up. "You look great! What Avenger are you today?" then comes the kicker... "I am Tony Stark!" He whips back his armor & cape to show me a dress shirt & tie. Then he reaches into his pocket... "This is my wallet. I am VERY rich!" haha!

1. I'm sitting on the back patio watching the kids play, when I hear the line... I glance over to see my 4 year old covering the playground slide in mud, pouring water from the pool down it, also covering his arms & legs entirely in thick sticky mud! Then he climbed up the ladder & went down! Ha!

Just a glimpse into my life... hilarious & horrifying all at the same time! :)

Monday, June 25, 2012


Some days (ahem! Today!!) I feel like the biggest failure of all! It's days like this... when you don't get the dishes loaded, when your oldest child is your worst behaved, when your kid gets hurt, when you don't put the diapers in the dryer & realize one diaper too late... the list could go on & on for me today! I imagine a giant "L" on my forehead!

My brother is 21. He's single. He's childless. He's basically a rockstar! He's doing an internship/training/school thing right now that I would give almost anything to do... If I were minus 5 kids, that is!

Days like today aren't fun! I'm home changing poopy diapers... it is really easy to feel sorry for myself. I have a lot of stuff that could easily be negative! When we had our first, I was 19 & it was completely unexpected! We weren't married. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life (besides marry Michael- that part I knew). I could dwell on all the stuff I've had to sacrifice, or all the things I've missed out on, but what good is that?!

I'd prefer to not be miserable, thank you very much!! I have a little wooden lady that sits in my kitchen window. My mom gave it to me & on the front it says "When life gives you lemons... make sweet tea"! I love that. First of all, because I love sweet tea! Ha! Second, because it reminds me of my part in this!
Let's be honest- life didn't "give" me lemons! I picked them right off the tree myself! At times however, it feels like someone was throwing them at me, yelling "here! You want lemons?! How about lemonade?!" But if the lemons hurt so bad, why stay there & make lemonade! Just make sweet tea & move on!

I'm not gonna wish for all the things I COULD do! It's a waste of my time... literally! I got nothing done today because half my day was spent moping around, listening to the lies:
"you'll never do anything"
"you are a terrible mother"
"your kids are so out of control"
"wow, you really screwed things up"

Well, today I say NO MORE! I am walking in what God says about me- I am Holy, because He is Holy! I am created in HIS image! I can do ALL THINGS through Christ!
Yeah, maybe I have 5 kids & most days my house looks like a hurricane ripped through! Who cares! These are earthly possessions that won't matter anyway... Do I need to take care of the things God has given me- yes! But it's not the MOST important thing!

Happy children come from homes where the oven is filthy, the windows have finger prints, there are dishes in the sink... but there's more love & (in our case) laughter than they know what to do with!
I want to challenge you mommies to not miss out on the precious little years just because you spent all your time cleaning, doing laundry & feeling sorry for yourself! You are the one that was given these sweet babies- God thinks you can handle it! He thinks you are PERFECT for the job! :)

Momma Monday- sunny days

I'm back! It's been a week of a much-needed "catch-up" on summer school for my first grader!

So, back to MOMMA MONDAYS... & Holy Moly! It sure is hot! We've been just sweating for a few weeks here in Missouri & while I hate to be gross, I also love to have exhausted children. hahaha!

It has brought to my mind one GENIUS thought that I'm not sure every momma grasps. I learned with my first 3 children the importance of playing outside (especially for boys)!

The first 2 years we were married, we also had 2 babies a year apart & lived in an apartment. Sometime around my oldest's 1st birthday, I noticed that the days we walked up to the playground & he was able to be in the sunshine, getting his boyish energy out... he was happier, healthier, & slept better! I had remembered my mother sending my little brothers outside to "just run"! Haha! It all began to make sense!

They have so much energy! I make my kids go out even in the fall & winter in jackets/coats unless it's freezing cold. Their bodies need an outlet. That outlet is definitely not my walls, couches, their beds or their siblings! Ha! Obviously the sunny days are more fun...

Not to mention, sunshine is so good for them! It makes even the crankiest kid a little more enjoyable. The vitamin D alone is worth it for me! Our bodies need vitamin D to fight off sickness & infection! For more on that topic see Dr. Mercola's articles on the topic here.
And don't forget your sunscreen! But make sure you know the facts. Just because it's on the shelves at Target, doesn't mean you should blindly use it! This article from EWG is an excellent resource, plus they have a search for cosmetics & other environmentally & personally safe personal or baby products.

A couple of my other favorite reasons for my kiddos going outdoors...
do a little research on "grounding". I have always been a friend of barefeet, but after reading more about it, I'm sending my kids outside in nothin but their toesies a little more often. The Mommypotamus has a great blog post on that HERE!

I also just love fresh air! Have you ever been so stressed & had one of those mommy days? Then when your husband gets home you either...
A. Take a bath
B. leave to get caffeine
C. Step out on the front porch for a little bit

That fresh air is so helpful! It is calming, stress-relieving, & life-giving! I love it!!

Anyway... just a few thoughts on how AWESOME it is to get your kiddos out this summer & every day! Enjoy the weather wherever you rockin mommas are... hot, mild, whatever!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Letter to my 4 year old

In honor of my very big boy's birthday...

Dear Elias,

4 years ago you came into our lives! My life has never been the same!

I remember feeling nervous. I was so exhausted after weeks of contractions that I wasn't sure I could endure more labor & then care for a demanding newborn! So, I requested to be induced. I'm so sorry I wasn't patient! Your life began with impatience & this is still something both you & I struggle with daily!

Sometimes I think, what if I would have just waited?! Would we have needed all that pitocin? Would he have gotten stuck & his heart rate drop like it did? Would the nurses have had the "c-section" talk in the hallway?

Thank God we've got an eavesdropping, praying Grammy who interceded as soon as she heard the "C word". You came soon after...

It was my longest labor, but the reward is always in sight! I remember your cries like it was yesterday. You were so upset to have people trying to give you oxygen and poking you with things... all you wanted was mommy. I was all you needed!

As soon as you latched on, you latched eyes with me. Since that moment we've shared many looks between us: loving, adoring, frustrated, upset, caring... you & I seem to see into each other.

I often wonder why you do things or what causes you to react. If I'll just look into your eyes, it tells me all I need to know. I'm not just looking in your eyes, I'm looking at your heart.

You see, until you I didn't realize what a mommy's love could do. I didn't know how powerful it was! You were such a good baby, but I think if I had realized this one thing that we would have been so much happier, you & I.

I thought I had to DO something. I thought I had figured it all out. After all, I already had 2... but I felt the need to meet others' expectations with you, so I didn't listen to my heart. You are a special piece to the puzzle- shaped different from your brother & sister, your cousins, or anyone else!

I'm sorry sweet boy. I'm sorry I didn't remember that all you needed was my love. All you needed was me! You didn't need a schedule, or to put yourself to sleep. All you needed was to nurse & cuddle. You would have slept in my arms all day, but I was too busy with my other aspirations to just be with you.

I feel like we've made up for it! We lost a few precious months. I am so glad that God gives second chances. You & I have begun to peer into each other's hearts again & I see those same eyes, looking in adoration, but this time they don't need quite as much.

You've grown so much in 4 years. I love your passion. Never have I seen a boy who cares so deeply for things. Whether its music, or animals, or your brothers or sisters, or whether it's me... you might not always know how to show it, but you love us BIG!

I want you to always remember that deep love. I have it for you also. But more importantly, God has it for you.

He has a plan for that spirited, passionate, awesome personality of yours. You are gonna do amazing things!

There are a few other important things. Four to be exact...

1. Just because you ARE funny, doesn't mean it's always the right time to BE funny.

2. Girls don't like to be growled at, karate chopped, burped at, or most other boy-ish things.

3. Try not to terrify me. I know the little boy in you just aches for adventure, but sometimes I'm concerned.

4. The Bible says you don't need to be afraid... so that includes being afraid of dogs, the dark, leaving me, or anything!!

Happy Birthday my sweet boy! I love you more than you'll ever know!!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Friday Top Ten... June 8

Wow! What a week! My apologies for missing our usual Momma Monday, but I've been trying to rest & recover after about 3 days with a blocked milk duct that turned mastitis... YUCK!

Anyway, it's been quite a week! On to the TOP TEN things from my week!

1. Baby Ezrah is developing such an amazing personality! I love his humor & sweetness... & complete adoration of the important people in his life!

2. While I was down this week, I got to rest. Michael took off a half day while my mom came in the morning, then the other 2 days he was scheduled off. It was so great to rest, recover & have my mind & spirit refreshed! The pain, fever, aches & exhaustion were TERRIBLE, but the constant nursing, extra baby cuddles & time to myself were just what this momma needed!

3. My oldest son definitely stepped up this week. He became so helpful when mommy couldn't do it all! Such a blessing!!

4. I've SO enjoyed working on fun projects for Eli's 4th birthday! Can. Not. WAIT! :D

5. Our garden is growing & the pumpkins, peppers, watermelons are going CRAZY! So much fun to watch! :)

6. Miss Eliza has been helping me with the party projects. She's the most amazing crayon peeler I've ever met! Ha!

7. I'm totally enjoying Eliza's flowers from her dance recital! Haha- they still make me happy, even if they're not mine! :)

8. Little Ester has recently become her own little person. She's spunky, independent & oh so stylish!! :)

9. I just looked outside to see my boys playing pirates. Hats, hooks, swords... The whole bit. HILARIOUS! :)

10. My husband is #10. Without him, there wouldn't be an "us", & we wouldn't have 1-9. <3

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Top Ten

This was such an amazing week! I hope you all had as much fun as me... or something like that! :)
Here's this week's Top Ten...

1. Our first trip to SnoBiz for snow cones! My husband & I used to hang out there in the summer. One summer, we went EVERY DAY from Memorial Day til August. Haha! I love taking the kids!!

2. My baby Ezrah is 5 months old & he said Mama this week! *sigh* My mommy heart is very happy. :)

3. We had a couple of rainy days. I love the rain! How it makes everything feel fresh & new. It washes away the dirt & gives life to the plants... just love it!!

4. Our 2 year old has been especially TWO this week. It's not a favorite thing this week, but sure has added to the excitement! Ha!

5. My little rock star, Eli lost a tooth! It's been dangling for a while, so I've been waiting for this for weeks! He was so excited! His toothless grin said it all!!

6. I realized how similar I am to my oldest son today! At least in certain aspects of our personalities. I had never noticed before!

7. My daughter's first dance recital was tonight. I loved every part of this crazy week of practices, dress rehearsal, putting on stage makeup, a bazillion bobbie pins... she & I had so much fun! Tonight she told me it was as good as her birthday!! ;)

8. Essie's face as she watched the big girls dance... it was magical!

9. Birthday party preparations are underway for my little guy's 4th birthday next week! That always makes me smile.

10. My lower level is mostly picked up after this crazy busy week. That right there could be #1-10!

Enjoy your weekend... have a BLESSED sabbath tomorrow! More new posts will start on Monday. :)