
Saturday, September 1, 2012

My own hero

I woke up & realized what I had said: "Babe, let's just go home & eat dinner. I will go to the grocery store in the morning."

"With all 5 kids? Are you sure? Because we can go to the store after dinner!" he replied.

I should've said ok! We should've gone last night!

So here I am... alone, with 5 kids, desperate for groceries, on a SATURDAY! I don't go to many places ALONE with all 5: park, Target (on a good day), Costco & chiropractor. That's it! I also don't go out on Saturdays. It's like I'm asking for a miserable time!
We need food though...

I got up, got the kids fed & dressed, babies' diapers changed. Then I realized they were all ready, but I'm not! So I turned on a show in my room, put the baby in his saucer, and jumped in the shower... most days it's just throw my hair in a ponytail & hope for the best, but I already did that yesterday. So, I had no other option than to take a world-record mommy shower while Captain Hook learned to play put-put (this show cracks me up).

I am feeling good! A shower is a beautiful thing! We get in the car, buckle in, and turn on some music. I got a coffee & then sat in the parking lot to post this on Facebook:

{About an hour behind, but I have a coffee & I got a shower... "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Bring it on!}

At this point, I'm putting the Baby Bjorn on & hitting send. LITERALLY as I sent that, the heavens opened & rain starts POURING DOWN! Really?!

I got a cart, put the baby in the Bjorn, & hoped it would calm down. My children are in a panic. "Aaaah! It's raining! We are getting wet!" The 7yr old is tolerating it, the 5yr old is crazy like the rain is electrifying her, the 4 yr old is splashing in puddles, the 2yr old is crying "I'm getting wet ALL OVER!" & the poor baby is looking at me like [is this SERIOUSLY worth it?!].

We were this far... we are getting groceries!!!

Once we got in the store, poor ladybug's pigtails were dripping. We pushed our cart to the side of an aisle to dry off with the nursing cover. Mr. 7 yr old was horrified that I used a nursing cover to wipe his face off... "my arms are fine! Don't use that on my arms!" Haha!!

We went over the store rules, took a deep breath & a big drink of coffee... well I did.

They did great! I thought the dramatic entrance to the store would have sent us over the edge, but it didn't! I only had to give a few warnings to "stay by me" or "hands on the cart". They were helpful. They were obedient. They didn't run! All those rules & expectations I had given them? THEY FOLLOWED!

Of course, as we checkout the lady says "wow you have lots of little helpers! Are they all yours?" I of course answered yes. "They are! I am blessed with lots of amazing helpers!" (as the 4 yr old fumbles to put a heavy glass jar on the conveyor belt)

We are walking out. I'm feeling accomplished! I'm feeling like I'm not a huge mommy failure! Just then, my child (who shall remain nameless) stomped in a puddle and soaked my entire leg, filling my neon pink Gap flats with an inch of water.
*sigh* yep, that feels about right!

I loaded them in, unloaded groceries & took another drink of my coffee. I noticed my oldest buckling in all the little kids. My heart was happy! Then I squished my way to the cart return.

There was a woman next to me & she says " I have to tell you... You are my hero! My kids are older now, but seeing you today it all came flooding back! I could have never done that! AND they were so well-behaved"

I just looked at her, with my soggy shoe & dripping wet hair, thinking I could cry at those words "well-behaved"! I hope some day when memories of these years come flooding back to me I can remember this moment! I smiled, and told her "I was dreading coming here this morning! But thank you! In fact, I think today, I'm my own hero!"

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