
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Natural birth? We'll see how things go!

As I have been editing & re-reading some of my posts this week, I was taken to my MOST POPULAR POST. My journey to home birth was not just this last pregnancy. It started when I had my first baby, 7 years ago. 

I was TERRIFIED of all things "birthy". I know its hard to believe now, but 7 years ago I didn't even like babies. I never wanted to hold them. My mother was so nervous that she'd end up raising my baby because surely I wasn't going to bond well. 

Haha! Oh, did things change. The moment I held that sweet baby boy, life as I knew it... changed! 
That sweet baby boy changed me completely...

So, trust me. I get it. When I talk to new moms or pregnant moms-to-be, I usually get one of two things: 

"I DEFINITELY want a natural birth!
"Well, I'm open to a natural birth, but we'll see how things go"

I get it! It's scary & "we'll see how things go" is a safe cover. It makes you feel like you have a way out! 
BUT forget for a moment how terrified you are. Forget how everyone wants to know your birth plan. Forget the fears. Forget the worries. Forget the pressures...

Now, I want you to close your eyes & think about your baby. Think about how perfect they will be. Think about how much you will love them. Think about all the things you are looking forward to...

And now tell me that you wouldn't do EVERYTHING in your will to make your baby's birth the most peaceful, wonderful, beautiful moment of BOTH of your lives! So, how do you get there? 

You keep forgetting all that FEAR! 

When God made Adam & Eve, do you think she was freaking out, asking for an epidural?! (lol, I do realize this isn't possible!) NO! She trusted in her body to do what God had created it to do!

YOU CAN DO THIS! You were MADE for this! Know your options. Get the birth experience you want!

The following excerpt was taken from an article in People Magazine

"I understand that this birth choice isn’t for everyone, but I believe in trusting my body to do what women have been doing for thousands of years. Childbirth isn’t scary; it’s a natural and powerful wonder. I encourage all women to explore their options, and know that they have control over how they give birth."

And of course, my dear friends... just remember me:
drug-free, standing at my bathroom sink, pushing out a baby!

You can SOOOOO ROCK this birth!

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